by Kristin Spear | Jul 30, 2022 | PawsFacts
This allows us to respond to messages and calls at the office or on the road. It’s not a 911 or free advice hotline, but it can receive calls, faxes and text messages that will be answered during business hours. Please help us triage your message by providing...
by Kristin Spear | Jul 29, 2022 | PawsFacts
Two full time and 2 part-time employees means there are anywhere from 0-3 staff members at the ‘desk’ waiting for phone calls, text messages, and emails at any time during the work day. So far Grigio refuses to answer messages. (Pictured is Grigio on the right with...
by A S | Jul 29, 2022 | PawsFacts
Those office hours are posted in the About Us section on Facebook, on Google, and on our website. We do not offer emergency or after hours care. #PawsFacts